Reps. Ogles, Burchett, Labeled ‘Far-Right Obstructionists’ by FiveThirtyEight

Andy Ogles and Tim Burchett

Poll aggregation website FiveThirtyEight said that U.S. Reps Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) and Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) are “Far-Right Obstructionists.”

“In a Congress largely defined by Republicans’ struggle to govern in harmony with their far-right flank, it’s no surprise that a cluster of hardline, obstructionist conservatives emerged as a cohesive voting cluster,” FiveThirtyEight said.

“The Far-Right Obstructionists cluster is made up of 39 members who are part of, or tend to be closely aligned with, the Freedom Caucus, including notable rabble-rousing Trump acolytes like Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who led the charge on ousting former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s threatening the same fate for Speaker Mike Johnson,” according to the publication.

FiveThirtyEight made clusters of “Moderate Republicans,” “Compromise Conservatives,” “Old Guard Republicans,” “Far-Right Establishment,” and “Far-Right Obstructionists.”

According to FiveThirtyEight, the main policy positions that categorize an elected Republican as a “Far-Right Obstructionist” include refusing to vote for more taxpayer funding for Ukraine, promoting school choice legislation, voting to defund the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), voting for a Gaetz resolution to remove American troops from Somalia and stripping funding for international aid programs.

“I keep my word. Everyone runs on the issues I vote on every day, but a lot of members only vote that way during election season,” Rep. Burchett told The Tennessee Star on Tuesday. “I’m just consistent. All that compromise has gotten us is $35 trillion in debt.”

Ogles is battling primary challenger and Metro Council Member Courtney Johnston, who appears to have support from major Democrats in the state.

Johnston was scheduled to attend a fundraiser hosted by Margaret Urbine and George Uribe, supporters of far-left State Representative Aftyn Behn (D-Nashville). When The Star obtained an invitation to that fundraiser and questioned Uribe and Johnston, both denied the event ever took place.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X/Twitter.
Photo “Andy Ogles” by Andy Ogles.






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8 Thoughts to “Reps. Ogles, Burchett, Labeled ‘Far-Right Obstructionists’ by FiveThirtyEight”

  1. John Bumpus

    The poll aggregation website FiveThirtyEight is owned by ABC News, which is part of the Walt Disney Company. This ownership structure provides financial support for FiveThirtyEight’s operations.

    This should tell you everything that you need to know about the website FiveThirtyEight.


    When did Common Sense, Morals, Ethics, Courage of Conviction, Keeping Promises, Love of God, Country & Being a Real Family with Children become FAR RIGHT?

    Those who want you to vote for the Left are Devil Worshipping Cult that want to screw up the minds of our young children by making them think it’s “NORMAL” to look like a freak, act like a sick animal & hate your country.
    They want kids to
    ☆ to encourage Pedophelia as “normal ”
    ☆ make Drag Queen a great occupation
    ☆ strive to change their sex
    ☆ learn to perform actual sex acts on same sex
    ☆ disrespect their parents
    ☆ hate cops
    Does anyone think these sick things should be a part of a school curriculum?
    ANDY & TIM are going to help President Trump Abolish the Deranged Departmemt of Ed in DC & send it back to the States, just like the US Supreme Court sent the issue of Abortion back to the States.
    This is a Republic, made up of 50 Sovereign States. Little by little the Evil Federal Bureaucracy has grabbed Power from the States, & our US Senators allowed that to happen.
    Our US Senate was created by our Founders to protect States Sovereignty. They have failed.
    The Founders wanted Two US Senators from each State to be appointed by the State Legislatures. This would allow our State Representatives to hold them accountable for their votes & actions.
    That got changed I think in the 17th Amendment to allow US Senators to be elected by popular vote. THIS SHOULD BE CHANGED BACK TO THE ORIGINAL PLAN.
    I voted for My 5th District Congressman Andy Ogles. He has done outstanding work in his first term. He informs his contituents through newsletters & Social Media. We hired him in 2022 to work for us. If you hire a great employee, you don’t want to lose him.
    I could not vote for Senator Marsha Blackburn bc she betrayed her Constituents in J6 by certifying the evil we have had to endure for almost 4 years. Our country is unrecognizable, our childrenbare dying from fentynal. Young people can’t afford to start families or buy homes. Tge American Dream is gone due to that vote.
    Unforgiving for me.

  3. TN Fifth District Voter

    I am glad the Citizens for Prosperity is so involved and dedicated in their campaign support of their former state director, Andy Ogles! They agree with President Trump, the Republican platform and Gov Lee concerning school choice and their enormous support for Ogles is incredible! With them spearheading his grassroots efforts and phone banking, I am sure he will win!!!

  4. Ryan

    Congrats to Ogles and Burchett on this honor! I hope the rest of the Representatives here in TN will strive to be recipients of this distinction as well.

  5. FiveThirtyEight is the playground for those anti-Americans with way too much money on their hands.

  6. Sim

    Ever since the Devil paid Eve a visit there’s been a war between “Truth and Deception”, but TRUTH is so obvious deception must be dressed up to appear as Truth.
    Everybody likes to do something to help the Children so these “PACs” come up with names like:
    Americans For Prosperity, School Freedom Fund, Team Kid PAC, and American Federation For Children.
    They may win an election in a voting booth but they’ll lose in “God’s Election”.

    Have you ever wondered “WHY” people that don’t live in Tennessee contribute so much money to win an election here and “WHAT” they hope to “GAIN/PROFIT” by do so????

    “MONEY IS POWER” so “WHY” do they want “POWER” over Tennessee People????


    We’ve lived until the time Evil is Good, and Good is Bad, Republican is no longer “Patriot or Conservative”, most not even Luke warm.

    Today only the voting Records reveal the true character of the Candidates,
    Only those who possess the “MORALS and “INTEGRITY” to reject this infusion of “SWAMP MONEY” can be counted on to vote for the People of Tennessee.
    “Party line voting” will lead to the destruction of this country.

  7. D.J.

    The far-right label is a badge of honor from the Marxist Demonrat left.

  8. Sold

    They can stop drilling. I’m already voting for them.


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